People who have sold a soft drink are drug pushers

that includes restaurant workers, fast food, grocery, retail, soda stands, vending machine workers, and distributors. Everyone who works in this industry is contributing to the drug epidemic. I choose not to contribute to the economy of drug pushing because I don’t agree with their ethics. This severely limits my choices in employment.

Sugar extracts are a Cancer growth on society. The people who consume these food items develop masses in their bodies that tend to look very grotesque. A lot of people call this a health look, but those same perceptions turn around and call slender people as unhealthy and unattainable for average people to reach.

The sugar consumption period really took off in the 1950s with corn subsidies and has not slowed down, despite professional people recognizing that sugar is the problem. The reason that sugar extracts are still legally being pushed is because people are addicted to them. Addicts are the hardest to ween off their dependence of a substance. They make up all kinds of excuses to stay hooked on their addictions.

Coca cola is sitting in a very good position with all their sugar addicts defending them. It’s very similar to the big cigarette companies whose addicts also spoke in their favor. It took a long time for the social change to occur. People have to collectively reach a turning point in their lives where they say enough is enough. 

Growing up as a fat baby I compromised my health at an early age.

not only did my fat mom risk me as a damaged egg, she also continued to feed her sugar addiction while I was forming inside her. Then, upon my birth, I was fed mostly engineered formula, which usually was high in sugar and contained a lot of extracts. I lacked good nutrition which affected my whole development at an early age.

I can’t even remember much as a child. My memory was very hazy. Also, I saw pictures of myself as a baby, and I had a very prominent gut distension. My face looked extra fleshy, like my cheeks were carrying slabs of fat. It did not look healthy.

Because I was poorly fed, instead of developing good strong bones, muscle and sinew, my body dealt in more of a crisis mode that had to deal with managing the harmful effects of all the sugar extracts I was being assaulted with. My mind and muscles were significantly weaker in comparison to other school children. My jaw failed to fully develop because the sugar robbed me of calcium.

It all may seem negligible to most Americans, but that is because our perceptions of what being fat is has become different. People, these days, want to act like being overweight and gay is ok. But it’s not. It’s a predominance of estrogen circulating in these people. Fat tends to hold onto higher levels of estrogen which mildly impacts everything about us.

My performance in school was slightly below average. I wasn’t quite as fit as other people. I remember being nervous quite frequently and also sleepy at times. I had a lot of trouble holding my attention for any significant period of time, which made things more difficult. I have lived a slightly handicapped life.

It may seem normal when everyone else is also suffering from the effects of sugar addiction. But not every country experiences these same problems. Other countries care about their people and look after their own health. The U.S. Doesn’t care about the sugar addiction problem. The corn syrup trade is an economic bubble that needs to be regulated better so that it can burst. Society is going to need to break down before it can start to heal. We are just living in denial of this addiction problem.

How many fatties are in a leadership position? Much less than the population percentage by ratio

You see that over 1/4 of the American people are fat overall. I think it’s even higher than that because the standards seem to be loosened up too much for the scourge of obesity that has plagued this fat nation for over 40 years now. If you look at the percentage of fat people elected into political positions, they seem to fail to represent the high percentage of fat people that waddle the streets occasionally. If I were to guess how many chunks are in leadership position I would say it’s more where Germany is.

Fat people have hurt themselves with their awful addictions as well as their abilities to effectively lead any significant group of people. The Nation of the US has grown very sloth, and as it may seem that policies are changing us into more healthy individuals, it turns out to only be an illusion. Nobody is treating the problems with HFCS because the surplus is still incredibly high. Nobody is putting a stop to the extractions coming out of the corn fields. The methods are getting more efficient for this addictive substance and the leaders ignore it.

Most leaders are in good shape and know not to overeat the corn syrup like addicts. People still find the side effects of sugar addiction as being funny to watch. Fat people are funnier than average sized people. It’s a sad clown trajedy that is going on in the US.

Being Fat is a Sugar Addiction Problem, not a Handicap Problem

One of the hardest parts of an addiction is not recognizing it for what it is. Many people want to call the obesity epidemic other things and blame as many symptoms as they can. But the underlying problem is with sugar extracts. They are drugs and people are addicted to the taste. Corn syrup has been one of the most ignored drugs in the history of the US.


metabolic syndrome, obesity, cancer, diabetes, fat people, disability,

Grocery Stores Need to Stop Serving Alcohol through Taps and Fix Their Health Sections

Grocery stores have drastically changed over the past 100 years, going from a general merchandise and grain store to drug box store. They get most of their sales through drug extracts, which include processed foods and alcohol. The healthy food comes as a secondary option for profit-making. They probably just barely break even on the natural food and profit the most through more addictive chemical extract added processed foods.

The majority of beers sold in grocery stores also have corn syrup added. The alcohol is not that much different from sugar. The only single difference is in the molecule when it changes through the efforts of yeast fermentation. That molecule makes the difference between getting dizzy in the brain or not. The same kind of excesses are involved between sugar extract consumption and alcohol consumption.

Have you ever tried to brew your own beer. I have. I quit doing it after the second batch. I was quickly getting fat. When I opened up the can of molasses for beer making, all I could think was it looks and tastes very similar to corn syrup. The process of making alcohol is adding yeast to sugar extracts. For the grocery stores to already sell alcohol has made it a flawed system. The grocery store is already enough of a candy store as it is.

Most grocery stores sell 80% of their foods with sugar added. This is what is causing terrible obesity problems in America. We are watching peoples bodies expand, suffer terrible health conditions, and die at premature ages. This is not good the US. The privately held and publicly held grocery stores are to blame. They are greedy for profits. The issue of trying to build open taps in grocery stores is only because they see more profits to be gained for the shareholders of the company. They are exploiting human addiction when many alcoholics are begging for help because they are addicted.

The only kind of grocery store that really cares about the people are the cooperative stores that are categorized as nonprofit. They don’t need to exploit human addiction.

Stop yielding to the for-profit stores for the health of the Nation.

City Councils will like the extra profits that serving alcohol in a grocery store can bring. But, alcoholism can tie up their police force even more from accidents which can make it a risk that is not worth taking.


grocery stores, Wisconsin, legal drinking, corporations, for-profit, nonprofit, shareholders, Wisconsin, open taps, bar grocery, sugar extracts, corn syrup, obesity, metabolic syndrome, health problems, drunk driving, grocery manager, news, Marketplace, Aldis, Safeway, Whole Foods, accidents, police, arrests, crime, bar owner,

Most Overweight People Speak English

Maybe it’s the language that is making making people fat. You see it in English ads time and time again where they encourage other people to eat sugar extract products liberally. The English are encouraged to keep eating the sugar and continue to eat it themselves.

The English speakers have a whole support group system where they show encouragement for each other to keep getting fatter. They incorporate sensitivity training into their language at all levels. The English speakers can’t call each other fat without receiving social defensiveness. The politics of getting and being fat is strongly in place.

The English speaking politicians will dance around the obesity issue like it doesn’t even exist as a problem. There are all kinds of English speaking elephants in the room, but as English speakers, we are trained through our language to talk like they are really healthy individuals and that they are normal.

There is a good chance that other languages do not support obesity as much as English speaking people do. Other languages may call a cow what it is, instead of use special language to make it sound more obscure. It just doesn’t make sense that everyone on the planet would have the same mindset as English speakers do.

Language controls thoughts, speaker English, foreign language, marketing language, world police, politicians ignore, dietary habits, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, look gross, too much weight,

Obese People are the Real Cause for Expensive Healthcare

“Getting obese employees to normal weight, or even overweight, would save employers an average of 9% of the money they spend on health care.”

These obese people need to be shamed more. Being fat is not a sensitivity issue. It’s not an issue of eating too much. It’s a drug addiction problem that is profiting food manufacturers on a major scale. The fatties don’t need more access to doctors, especially because it’s not the doctors job to tell people they are too fat. Instead, the rotund need interventions for their drug addictions.

People suffering from their drug problems need to have a turning point to make them realize they are heading down a dangerous path. Unfortunately, sugar extracts have been a very easy drug to keep people from experiencing their turning point. Sugar extracts have probably been one of the most pervasive drugs ever to hit American Society.

Historically, Americans have gone from one drug to the next through the 1900s. Our whole psychology has drastically changed over a few generations. I believe the Baby Boomers started the drug abuse trend, because many of their parents never reported any drug problems that I have ever heard.

The Baby Boomers started getting supplied large amounts of drugs from the extraction factories and encouraged that feeling good is more important than anything else in life. That feeling good had a cost, which was easy to absorb into the healthcare system early on. But as more people sought personal pleasure, the medical community had to push back a little bit by raising prices and demanding their patients do more for themselves to improve their own health.

metabolic syndrome, obesity, poor people, rising medical costs, sugar addiction, drug addiction, saving money, lost productivity, company weight loss, fitness gadget, health goal, eating healthy, fat cancer, laziness, whole foods, AODA, health counseling, need help, diabetes, nutritionist, eat less, health goal, New Years goal

Coca Cola may have lost the battle in 1900 against using cocaine in its formula

But they had a little more time to prepare the public for their use of HFCS. They learned from their mistakes in not grooming and lobbying politicians enough to prevent cocaine from becoming illegal and largely getting banned.

This is what makes Coke Warren Buffets number 1 stock and explains how he racked up millions in investment dollars. He probably could see the lobbying going on with Coca Cola to get the politicians to turn their ugly heads away from the side effects and addiction problems that come from consuming corn syrup extracts.

We are more likely to blame the addict for their excessive use of HFCS. It’s hilarious to watch the sufferer grow such large inflammation problems in their fat cells even. Coca Cola worked hard to make looking fat be a cool thing to do. We see a lot more fat people on TV with cartoons and shows now. It’s almost like needing to include a mandatory black guy to show some diversity in entertainment.

I would love to have seen what the politicians debated to get cocaine banned from Coca Cola products and effectively made illegal in 1900. Those processes are not being used for HFCS. The politicians will not even consider HFCS as an addictive drug. There is a powerful lobbying group that has been very effective to even prevent the debates against HFCS to receive National Attention. Yet we see half the population suffering from its effects.
Coca cola, lobby, political, national attention, illegal drug, cocaine, drug pushers, obesity, metabolic syndrome, HFCS, sugar extracts, Warren Buffet, free trade, legalize marijuana, stock options, millionaires, best investment, downward spiral,

I Hate Fat People Because They are Just Like Alcoholics

In fact, if you stick with the current diet that got you fat and try to exercise more, you will do even more damage to your body in the long run. How does a person grow larger yet can’t make use of the excess fat as energy? The answer lies in the difference in how we burn calories.

Humans are not flames. We have no fire in our bodies, although many people want to accuse redheads of having fiery tempers. We don’t use calories through the use of an oven burner. You will find statistics from scientists showing that a certain food burns so many calories. But that measure of energy food is too narrow minded to apply for the human diet. Once again, we don’t burn food up by fire.

The fire doesn’t require vitamins and minerals to burn it. It just burns food. In fact, all it needs is a burn able fuel source like alcohol to burn. When the scientists measure calories they are using some kind of alcoholic Bunsen burner that already has its own fuel source to keep burning. Any food that is burned in the process of measuring calories does not affect the fuel source of the open flame.

However, our bodies do not have an open flame that we can expose food to and then absorb the smoke for energy. We operate a lot differently from the scientific flame of burning calories. We don’t rely on alcohol to burn because we can’t burn. If you do develop a flame anywhere on your body, stop drop and roll immediately.

We require minerals and vitamins to process calories from food. In the past, it was very easy to use the whole foods as vitamins and minerals. But the modernization of processed food has caused a severe surplus of sugar extracts and nutrient starved sources of food. Our bodies suffer.

We know that when a person puts on fat, that their bodies are suffering. Fat is an obvious sign of suffering. Our livers need to work on matching proper nutrients with the sugar that is consumed. When we consume sugar extracts, the liver finds there is a shortage of nutrients to pair up with the added sugar. Quick thinking and communication between the liver and brain bring them to the conclusion that they need to push the excess sugar extracts out of the way and into the fat cells to be dealt with later.

But by the time the sugar reaches the fat cells, it already becomes a much harder and less sophisticated manner in which to burn fat off. You really want to match the sugar with nutrients upon the immediate meal. Eating the sugar extracts first and then trying to rally with nutrients later cause a very poor synch. The timing is very off. Have you ever heard a bad song where the timing doesn’t seem right? That is how nutrition works too.

The body allows for some excesses and shortages between sugar and nutrients, but it can only handle so much of an imbalance before rapid degradation gets worse.

I look at extremely obese people and think that the damage has been done. They have done some permanent damage to their bodies and they cannot reverse it. They went too far with their nutrient imbalances and now have to be more careful than ever in controlling their health.

Obesity is a lack of nutrients characterized by excessive sugar extracts in the diet.

Fat people, hate fat, get healthy, lose weight, nutrient deficient, liver health, measure calories, caloric intake, obesity, metabolic syndrome, dietician, nutritionist, hidden sugar, sugar alcohol, carbs, protein ratio, be afraid, candies, cakes, cookies,

Grocery Stores Feed Food and Drug Addictions thanks to the FDA

Our ancestors could never eat “fresh tomatoes” year round. But, with modern day grocery stores, a person could continually eat one fresh tomato every day of the year. This is a problem because that means to consumer is less likely to choose a wider variety of food like our ancestors did.

Many people don’t even know how the seasonal food system works. They don’t even know how the food is grown or should be grown. They simply rely on the grocery store to supply all their food. The grocery managers have capitalized on our dependence upon their food and drugs too. They make sure that we continually see the same kinds of foods every time we visit. The play the same bland music over and over again and the environment has to remain neutral.

The majority of foods are pumped full of sugar extracts to make them more addicting. Look at the podcast from Planet Money recently. They talked about Wonder Bread and how it got so popular. The consistency got worse, but people loved eating it and didn’t know why. The reason was that the sugar content was increased.

Generally, when you increase the sugar extract content in foods, people will find this more irresistable to eat. It’s called sprinkling drugs on our foods and the grocery stores shamelessly practice this business model without regret. People get hungry for particular kinds of foods that are most likely to have sugar added. This causes a problem where people aren’t exactly attracted to the food as much as they are attracted to the drug that is mixed into the food.

The reason that the drug dealing in grocery stores is such a problem is because of rising health care costs. As advanced of a society as we are, our health care costs should be going down. Our dependence on doctors should be going down, because we know so much more stuff about our bodies. But the state of our health seems to be going the other way with our knowledge.

I think that the more knowledge we gain about our health, the more likely a corporate business will take advantage of human vulnerabilities. They are balancing our health on a scale. They want to feed us the sugar extract drugs just enough to keep us addicted and a little sick. but not enough to kill us right away. They don’t care. Money never cares about the victim.

People say that the planet is overpopulated, so why not take advantage of the excess population and get them addicted to your product? So many new companies form based on manufacturing a new kind of sugar product all the time. The formula is always the same, involving the addition of legal drugs into the food mix. But the only reason the sugar extracts are still legal is because fat people have been hilarious to gawk at.

There are many old people on the planet who still remember only seeing skinny people on the planet. Very few fat people would have crossed each others path 100 years ago. Now every other person is fat in America and cross each others path all the time, although many have to squeeze by each other.

Addictions are what got people fat. You could not even consider starting an addiction during our ancestors farming days. They were forced to consume a wider variety of foods due to the seasonal changes that occurred. Food preservation did not involve a fridge or freezer.

It’s too easy to eat bananas year round in an area they cannot naturally be grown in. Humans are overstepping our sustainability on this planet.

food addiction, store food, winter, summer, genetic modification, obesity, metabolic syndrome, signs, treatment, food addict, anonymous, serious problem, simple solution, webmd, crave, excess food, recovery, food junkies, acorn,