To Breed Higher THC or To Extract More THC, that is the question. I have the answer.

I think this breeding mindset is very out of touch with nature and the knowledge of the common users. The growers seem to be trying to achieve higher THC in two ways now, 1. by way of growing the marijuana and, after harvesting it, 2. through the extraction techniques. By default, the extraction techniques will always be the better way to achieve higher concentrations in a single dose. unfortunately, no one wants to talk about the alchemy involved because it doesn’t sound quite as natural -and it isn’t.

People are much more likely to die from using the THC extractions than they are from natural breeding programs. It’s like comparing the slave-trading programs of the 1800s to steroid use of today. The black people were bred to be stronger slaves and developed healthier bodies as a result. But the steroid abusers tended to quickly develop health problems because their bodies were not genetically designed to get too big and strong.

The major law that should be passed for marijuana is keeping the extraction chemicals out of it. The breeding programs are perfectly fine and healthy. But the chemicals that people experiment with to achieve different concentrations and highs is beyond reasonable. I don’t want to compare black slavery to that point because it’s wrong. Perhaps, compare it to the farm animals instead and their breeding programs.

It’s cute to see these breeders demonstrating their willingness to breed other strains that they find better. It’s horrid that they may, in turn, extract the THC using solvents that can be consumed by the user -and most likely has been. What is the government doing about these harmful extraction techniques in America? Well, let’s just say that we are no where near Germany. They have labeled vitamins as drugs, which is a step in the right direction.

GPS that Identifies City and County Land; This homeless man could use that to avoid city police.

I was caught by the police for camping in my car in the library parking lot in Westport, WA. It was an embarrassing situation. It was about 1:30 am and I was woken up by the cop rapping on my window. I couldn’t even use the excuse that I was using my computer because everything was turned off. I simply dozed off and that is where my actions became illegal.

It is very frustrating to be advised that what I do in my car is illegal. It’s not like I am exposing the naked parts or anything. It’s not like I fell asleep at the wheel, which is far more dangerous. I wasn’t robbing the place. I was just sitting in my car minding my own business.

The laws within cities are the ones that have gotten more harsh on people. It’s not so much Federal Laws that directly impact us, it’s the city ordinances. Whenever the Federal Government comes up with a new law, the city tries to find ways to make it even tougher, ok? They are the junk yard dogs of new laws. The cities don’t want to look like they are taking a soft approach to crime.

The Federal government should have no laws against sleeping in your car. Although they will not let people sleep in the parking lots of Federal Land. Whenever the law started against sleeping on Federal land is when curfew hours across the Nation got serious, especially within city limits.

I was told by the cop that I can sleep on county land. I have to drive outside the city and there are spots that I can park and sleep. That got me wondering if the GPS could ID county land from city property. The laws change a lot between the boundaries. It would be very helpful to have an indicator that shows whether I am in city jurisdiction or county.

Many times people will get stopped by a city cop outside their jurisdiction on county land. This can cause a case to be thrown out of court very easily. I’m sure there are exceptions to it though, like a hot pursuit. But besides that, a regular city patrol can only protect within the borders of only their own city. The tax revenue to pay for the cops salary comes only from city property, not county.

As a homeless man who has to sleep many different places, I would find it to be very helpful to have a GPS that can show me the city/county borders. In fact, Google Maps is starting to show city borders when you look up a city. This is very helpful for studying the map of a city. Now all I néed is more mobile support for when I’m actually running around trying to figure it out.

Can someone collect this data? Thank you.


Here Are Marijuana Laws that Spread from Federal Guidelines to City Ordinances


DOJ will still prosecute individuals or entities to prevent:

1. Distribution of marijuana to minors. 2. Revenue from the sale of marijuana from going to criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels.    3. Diversion of marijuana from states where it is legal under state law in some form to other states. 4. State-authorized marijuana activity from being used as a cover or pretext for the trafficking of other illegal drugs or other illegal activity. 5. Violence and the use of firearms in the cultivation and distribution of marijuana. 6. Drugged driving and the exacerbation of other adverse public health consequences associated with marijuana use. 7. Growing of marijuana on public lands and the attendant public safety and environmental dangers posed by marijuana production on public lands. 8. Preventing marijuana possession or use on federal property.


Here is the State explanation of how they handle weed laws. It looks like the State wants to enforce the sales of weed through dispensaries that can only sell marijuana. If you get your weed from any other source besides a licensed grower, you can be subject to arrest. So, if you want to grow your own weed at home, it will be illegal. You have to clearly explain to the cops where you got your weed, upon arrest. So, don’t smoke the receipts, they will be needed to produce your innocence.


Here is a county example with Skagit County. From the Skagit newspaper Jan 17, 2014: “Ryan Walters, county civil deputy prosecuting attorney, said the county did not create new laws for recreational marijuana businesses and does not plan to.” I’m not sure what the other counties intend to do, but this is an example of a county north of Seattle. It’s very possible that other counties will not make any further regulations for weed as well.


The cities can ban any marijuana sales activity they want to. However, they could face the possibility of being sued. However, the citizens do have a say in marijuana being sold within the city and speak with their votes. If any City Council members of any city favor marijuana, but the voters don’t favor that decision, then the city council member can get voted out of office and have an anti-marijuana council member put in their place instead.It’s important that the city listen to the residents and find out if allowing marijuana stores is a good option to use.


Here is Seattle Police explanation of how they will handle it. Every police department has different laws to follow in a city. So, you will find a little inconsistency with how each city police officer enforces the law.


You see how broad the Federal approach is. That is because the Federal government can’t be every where. They have to trust and delegate enforcement for the people on the ground. Even the state officials can’t watch over everyone and delegate further with more broad laws. The decriminalization comes down to how the city feels about it now.

It used to be that the Federal Government babysat everyone in the country with prosecuting the marijuana laws. But now, the Feds have slackened up their grip and given the power back to the City Councils to decide what they want to do in the city. This can cause a change in the political climate for the city. Now council members will be asked if they are for or against marijuana. Whereas, it used to be asked of the President of the United States, whether he was for or against weed. That is a huge change in the political climate.

How will the City mayors handle the marijuana issues? They have to find out if the voting residents are for or against weed or not. A Mayors popularity can become altered by their stance on marijuana. This has never been an issue before and it will take focus away from other issues, such as abortion, gay marriage, or the coal trains.

A city could allow a marijuana dispensary one year, then abandon the business entirely. I get the feeling that as easy as it is for cities to ban chickens, marijuana can just as easily be banned. I would think that most cities would be interested in pushing marijuana into the county lands, more than embracing weed in the city.

Anacortes City Council and their Marijuana Discussion; Washington State

January 15, 2014

The city has started wrestling with the question of where to allow recreational marijuana businesses.

It has an interim moratorium related to marijuana sales in place as it works to determine where best to allow the marijuana producers, processors and retailers.

The state has stringent limitations on the location of marijuana businesses as well as their operations, security, advertising and a variety of other elements, according to the city memo. However, it does not address requirements for individual jurisdictions, such as specific use zones. City staff last week asked members of the Planning Commission for feedback on compiling local rules.

Along with where the city should allow the businesses, city staff also asked planners for their thoughts on whether the city should allow outdoor grow operations and, if so, under what circumstances, whether it should allow portable grow operations, and whether it should allow a marijuana smoking parlor, similiar to a private club.

At the meeting last week, Don Measamer, building official/assistant planning director, said the city has 3 options: do nothing, prohibit marijuana businesses, or regulate them. He said it opens up the city to potential litigation if it is prohibited, and businesses could locate more places if the city does nothing.

“Having regulations in place would at least help guide where these businesses are,” he said.

The state requires a minimum separation of 1,000 feet from schools, playgrounds, recreation centers, childcare centers, public parks, public transit centers, libraries, and any game arcade, not restricted to 21 and older.

Staff recommends the city regulate recreational marijuana businesses separately from the marijuana collective gardens regulations already adopted. Measamer noted the state may change its current rules for collective gardens.

He told planners marijuana businesses resemble uses currently permitted in the light manufacturing (LMI) and heavy manufacturing (HM) zones.

Most planners agreed the zoning areas in the city make sense.

Planning Commission member Sheri Muntean said she’s concerned about the possibility of people trying to protect their grows, potentially with firearms.

She asked staff to make sure there is a buffer with any residential zones adjacent to LM1 zones for public safety. She also suggested the city consider having them a distance from public walking and biking trails.

Commission member Allen Rhoades said he doesn’t want to see any outdoor grows because he doesn’t think they can be controlled enough for public safety. He also doesn’t want to see portable grows allowed.

“This is a relatively new industry that needs to be watched,” he said.

He suggested the city’s Willette Business Park might be an option for these businesses. As the landlord, the city could include lease requirements that could make it easier to deal with violations than it would be through another leaser.

“You’re looking for tenants for that business park anyway,” Rhoades said.

Muntean agreed that not allowing outdoor grows would be wise and, given the public safety issues with portable grows, those should be prohibited too.

Commission member Cory Ertel said he’d prefer not to have these businesses in the city limits at all. That being said, he understands an initiative passed. He said there is a potential for conflict between state and federal laws and the city is in an awkward spot. “If this this body and the City Council is intent on zoning for these types of businesses I agree with the recommendation,” Ertel said.

Commission member Marty Laumbattus noted an indoor grow can be high-cost due to electricity needs. He said he can see people wanting to grow outdoors and he said the city should have a provision for that, but it needs to require the places to be secure.

Commision member Christina Hansen questioned whether any other jurisdictions have encountered the idea of a smoking club.

Measamer said he would ask around. The idea was presented to him 2 days before the Jan 8 Planning Commission meeting.

Laumbattus said he’d be in favor of banning smoking clubs in the city limits.

Ertel asked what the risk is to the city, since marijuana is still illegal at the federal level.

Measamer said the city is talking with its insurer.

“It’s a little bit gray. It’s a little bit vague.”

City staff will bring back a draft ordinance in the future along with information about the city’s risk from a federal perspective.

At the meeting, Measamer said the state is one to two months behind in processing applications.

The state updated its list of businesses that have applied for state licenses to produce, process or sell marijuana on Jan. 7. There are 23 applications in Anacortes, WA.

-Anacortes American



After reading about the Anacortes City Council debate, I have to wonder how other city councils have responded. Have any banned weed from their cities? They have every right to do so.