Why are Lesbians mostly fat? Here are some thoughts

It’s become universal knowledge that lesbian women in the US are obese. The government wants to continue to study this culture of obesity In mysterious ways. It’s utterly laughable that studies like this are being funded. I think there are more ulterior motives for directing our attention to the lesbian population.

Practically the same percentage of the population is fat compared to the lesbians. Why do we need to take our focus away from the root cause of obesity?Because money is involved. My guess is that a lobbyist group donated money for the study and the government simply allocated the money. The donators have some influence as to where their money gets spent. Otherwise, donations would come to a halt.

Just look at the pink jerseys the pro football players wore to teach us about breast cancer. People later learned that only 10% of that donation money is going toward helping breast cancer victims. Many people demanded their money back after that fiasco, whether silently or audibly. Or, maybe the few spoke for the majority. Either way, we are looking at a broken system of donating money.

Lesbianism is a fascinating life style for many people. Sex, generally, gets the page views. When the government funds the study, that significantly increases the credentials of the study. The government, at least, held an approval process to decide where the research gets to go.

Look at how popular the Clinton Scandal was with Monica Lewinsky in the late 90s. This kind of attention captured everybody’s interest across the Nation. It later sold books and stories. The whole ordeal centered on more than just 2 people, so there were many view points to learn from.

A study as wide ranging as the fat lesbian one can generate many different stories for many years to come. We see reporters comparing the obese dykes to fit fags. Maybe they will analyze the age differences in the relationships. The lesbians might be accused of being lazy godless heathens, who knows? Its the kind of study that can generate a lot of vile feedback.

Regardless of the shape in lesbians bodies or any other person, the facts remain the same. Obesity is a problem that nobody can ignore. Being fat affects too many people to count now. It’s not just a simple problem with lifestyle of lesbianism.

Let’s get down to the root cause of obesity: too much fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats. Not enough protein and fiber. Whether you are a sloppy lesbian or not, we are all set up to fail as soon as we step foot in the supermarket. In fact, one good question for the lesbian should be how frequently do they shop at Farmers Markets.

When 80% of the foods in the supermarket have sugar added unnaturally in some way! We are all set up to fail. How do you resist the commercialization of the grocery store? Is that the problem with lesbianism, maybe they simply don’t have the willpower to resist the 80% of food with sugar added. I find this hard to simply blame the gay lifestyle. The grocery stores are a large part of the problem.

There is no estrogen imbalance, lack of children or daddy issues to blame for our overweight sister lovers. The true cause is the sugar buzz. People, gay or straight, get addicted to the buzz of sugar. This is not natural. Sugar is not naturally extracted from the plants they come from, particularly corn. Sugar is a drug extract and needs to be placed on the same list as marijuana, because its addictive and dangerous.

Ever hear of metabolic syndrome? That’s not a a dyke disorder. Its a people problem for any sexual orientation. You don’t even need to look like a bloated mess to have the syndrome. The corn syrup tells your liver to create fat and store it. Imagine that, fructose corn syrup tells your liver to create fat for no good reason. This is exactly what alcohol communicates to the liver as well. Distilled spirits are especially bad. Do lesbians drink alcohol more than the regular population? This is what makes a lesbian study fascinating.

Consuming candy is like living the Rock and Roll lifestyle. Cocaine and candy both became popular in the late 70s and early 80s. However, one white powder got severely limited because people’s health was improving and the other white powder got added to most foods today because it caused a decline in our health. Imagine if cocaine was added to food and sugar was declared illegal. We certainly wouldn’t be studying fat lesbians today.

Part of the reason that cocaine is illegal is because the growing conditions in the US are not favorable. Coca bushes require highlands of particular rainfall and climate to thrive. This is in contrast to our American corn. Thank the Indians for the corn and Monsanto for breeding the sweetest varieties.

The US is a major corn producer. Chemists found a way to extract sugars and throw away the pulp. We are left with an addictive substance that is funded through subsidies by the government. Also, if the government is willing to fund subsidies for corn, which leads to a lot of cheap corn syrup. Then, the government is most likely willing to fund our attentions away from the real source of the problem with fat lesbians.

corn fed ps

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