Unibrows and Their Anger are Tied Closely Together






I think they are most likely to be suicide bombers too. It takes a lot of anger in a short period of time to blow yourself up. It is far more likely for these angry people to naturally gravitate to violent behavior in short periods of time.




Comparing Nose Shapes

Comparing Nose Shapes

I want to point out that intentions can generally be read on a persons face. I have a theory that part of the reason that Europeans discovered America first was because they had more of a desire for travel and exploration. The feature that reveals our need to explore can be found on the nose.

Face Map Reading for Animals Introduction

Face map reading animals

What about sharks, snakes, or lions? Doesn’t the sight of these creatures instill fear in anyone? I’m amazed how some people can have the audacity to tell us not to judge a book by its cover. They see people as shallow who are quick to analyze the superficial exterior of a creature.

This is all crazy and madness. I feel rage by responding to people who don’t understand the impact of seeing things as they are. Appearance tells us a lot about what to expect the intentions of a creature are going to be. Some animals developed their abilities to survive and thrive.

Let us look at the different features in animals. For example, a rabbit has eyes on both sides of head so that it may have a broader view of its surrounding. While a cat has eyes that are closer together and narrow so that it focuses more on objects. The width of the eyes therefore shapes how an animal conducts itself. The rabbit takes in all of its surroundings, while a cat looks for objects to focus on. The personalities will be a little different between each other based on this one trait that separates them.

Let’s look at the differences in mouths. Some animals have mouths designed for chewing vegetation, while others don’t. If the animal has all molars, you can be sure that’s it bite won’t be as tramatic as an animal with fangs. In fact, a molar tooth animal will have a lower chance of attacking you. A lot of molars can be a good sign the animal is more docile and less predatory. A shark, with sharp teeth, will attack you because its in their nature.

How about ears? Some animals have ears to focus on their prey. There may be other noises around, but those noises won’t be listened to as much as the noise of the prey that the animal is hunting. Whereas, an animal with ears that focus on its abilities to hear to their left and right, will mean they are more defensive and reactionary.

Dogs, mostly have ears that focus on prey or their masters. They will ignore a lot of other sounds to focus only on what they feel like hearing. On the other side, a deer will listen to everything around them. Their minds are more expansive and imaginative to their environment. Any odd noise can make them jumpy and they can expect a predator to come from any possible place.

Noses are going to be very different between animals as well. Some noses are built for travel, while others evolved for their quaint surroundings. A short stubby nose, like on a turtle, isn’t as important to their livelihood as a rat. The rat needs to move about more freely and sniff for opportunities more. Whereas, the turtle can enjoy more of a selection of food from its immediate environment.

There are plenty of other details we can get into, but I want to make clear that we have an ability to tell what is in the nature of an animal by reading its face. It can be any animal on the planet. We all share the common features of the facial map. However, each map has its own unique markings too. Many face maps are similar, and you should be able to expect similar intentions from those kinds of face maps.

Getting the Sale using Chinese Psychology

Youtube Vid demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyIC2GbOeow

It’s always helpful to learn about body language too. But, this isn’t about reading people’s facial expressions. Emotions change too frequently, while your physical features are more long lasting. We can tell a lot from another persons intentions by reading the shape of their face. Lets look at a scenario who barrack Obama is buying a car.

Try to assume that you know nothing about him. He walks onto your lot and you start to approach him. The first thing you want to notice is the overall shape of his face. His face is roughly oval which puts him in the diplomat or host category. You can quickly expect that part of his personality to show through and expect it to, as well.

He can comfortably be put into the water category, where he has shadowed eyes. His needs are being, water, time alone, creativity. Sounds are moaning, action shivering and sense is hearing. As a salesman you can deduce this person loves living in the moment, warmth, and possibly hears quite well. The action of moaning could be derived from pleasure with a physical activity. You can talk about how your car is the best around, that anyone will see for a long time, the heater puts out a lot of heat, the interior is quiet when he needs quiet.

Obama has large ears which can indicate he has risk taking ability. The ears don’t seem large or narrow across the top, in proportion to his face, so that is a trait I will leave alone here. I want to look for features that can stand out on his face immediately. Those features are keys to narrowing in quickly of what to expect his intentions are in purchasing a new vehicle.

Obama ear is wide across the middle portion which can indicate a desire to take physical risks. Large ear lobes is a sign of luck, but his arent too large. His detached ear lobes is a sign of a person who creates friendships that become like family. He has high ears which mean he came into his own in his early 30s. Since his ears are set away further from his face, this shows that he is stubborn and hears only what he wants to hear.

The sales pitch you would give based on reading only his ears would be trying to be his friend. He will accept you as a friend if you try. If you challenge his integrity, his is comfortable enough to ignore what you said to him without giving an answer.


His hairline is broad which says he wants to experiment with his life and possibly rebel against conformity. His forehead is somewhat slanted forehead which means he has a facile mind and negotiating ability. He has somewhat of a high forehead which can indicate an intellectual mind and philosophical nature.

Consider his rebel attitude in choosing a car. Maybe show him something that isn’t so popular with people. Prepare for a hard negotiation with his personality, he will be more comfortable with price discussion. Maybe discuss the car philosophy with him in some way.

Has a somewhat long and strong chin which indicate a stronger will power. Expect him not to give in too quickly to your asking price.

Eye brows

Obamas eye brows look very strong. This means he has a strong liver and temper to match. His long eye brows means he has lots of friends. The eye brows are also straight which means he does things at his own consistent pace. He has strong brow bones which means that he doesn’t like being told what to do and would prefer to be the one doing the telling. He also seems to have 2 lines between his eye brows which mean he often feels impatient, irritable, or annoyed.

So based on the area around his eye brows, he can be a little temperamental. Be careful not to offend him because he many not take what you say Lightly.


Slightly sunken in eyes mean that he is sort of an introvert, but not much. His eyes look sharp on the ends which indicate his ability to use words as weapons, however, he may have more of a tendency to reserve using sharp for only those close to him. He seems to have slightly puffy upper eye lids which means he has a slight spleen dampness, but also has a slight ability to save money and invest in real estate.

Obama has an eyelid that covers up the iris in a straight line. This can mean he is an objective person who can see both sides of a situation. He is not judgemental and is very fair in his actions. His eye brows are a little closer to his eyes which shows he is friendly. He gets very involved with the people he works with or cares about and tries to mentor them.

In your sales pitch, expect him to be a little bit of a saver. He will consider the options that you present to him. You can treat him like a friend and he will be comfortable with that situation.


He has a narrowed jaw which means he evaluates circumstances rather than holding preconceived ideas and beliefs.

Somewhat of a round tip indicate he loves creature comforts and being surrounded by beautiful things. The nose is slightly fleshly, which means there is somewhat of a need for material pleasure. His nose has sort of a wide bridge, which indicates his physical strength, stamina and ability to make money in large amounts. In addition, it is s sign of as very strong spine.

So, because he saves, he is ready to invest in a nice car that is comfortable and looks nice. He might want something to accentuate his own strength.

His large mouth and full lips indicate that he has a generous nature and strong earth energy. He gives easily and grandly.

Because he is comfortable with donations, you could highlight added features that go to a good cause. Perhaps, you have an insurance plan that also gives to needy kids. He will be helpful in contributing to a cause that he feels is significant.

Overall, I hope this gives you a concept what to expect from his facial features. reading people is less about judging them by their race and culture, and more about key features on their face. Chinese Face Reading can be as easy and as complicated as you want to make it. You can look for a lot of features or grasp onto the features of a face that stick out the most. I would quickly choose 3 or 4 features and quickly asses the person within the definition of their obvious pronounced features. It’s up to you. Just try to have fun with it and discover for yourself what patterns you find with features of the face.

Twitter Comments: @Acumagnet